The Glam Cam Has Finally Arrived!

Every single day, people are faced with the dilemma of looking good in videoconferences, regardless of location, time zone, or the party they may have attended the night before. The world is talking about it – at Fast Company, Mashable and more – but has yet to offer a solution.

Well, fret no more. Our Product Development team is all about solutions, and Logitech is excited to announce its most innovative camera to date – the Logitech BeautyCam.



The BeautyCam comes with an on-board processor and software that enables real-time airbrushing and image cleanup. Have a video call the morning after that bachelorette party? No worries. The BeautyCam will fix bedhead, add makeup, erase wrinkles, make your teeth sparkle and put a twinkle in your eye.

Gone are the days of showering, dressing the part and brushing your own hair. In retrospect, it’s shocking that we ever lived that way.


I’ve been wearing the same pajamas for three months now, but I’ve closed twelve deals and gotten two raises! BeautyCam changed my life.

  • Justin Case

I was out partying all night in Vegas but thanks to the BeautyCam, my boss had no idea on today’s 8am call.

  • Oscar Ruitt

I literally crawled out of bed 10 seconds before my video meeting. I’m not sure I was totally awake – some of the details are a little hazy – but I sure looked good!

  • Joe King